Brandon Rose, MD, MPH

Ongoing Projects

PSDB - Pan-Sarcoma DataBase in development (based on rosyredcap)
LCDB - Lung Cancer DataBase in development (based on rosyredcap)
rosyredcap - Rosy REDCap R package
Who:  anyone wanting to make an R database object from a  REDCap project
What: public R package; imports and organized REDCap data for
Why: select custom ICD10 codes for data brokers

rosyicd10 - Rosy ICD10 R Shiny App (LIVE)
Who:  anyone wanting to explore and save ICD10 codes (2023)
What: public R package; displays all ICD10 codes, exports your results
Why: select custom ICD10 codes for data brokers
        Where: (live app)
        Where: (R package to run on your PC)
        Where: (R project example to learn shiny)

FCI -  Firefighter Cancer Initiative R package and shiny app
Who: University of Miami Firefighter Cancer Initiative
What: Private research R package;  uses REDCap API for multiple studies; uses plotly, shiny, and more
Why: data quality control, REDCap cleaning, research analysis, increase participant compliance

MIA - Miller Interactive Admissions
Who: University of Miami Admissions Committee
What: private R package; performs cURL from AMCAS;  ggplot2 and plotly for visuals ; also shiny
Why: data manipulation and visualization of admissions data

RUN -  willing to share if I wanted to release a shiny example that uses API
Who: personal  for now
What: private (?future public) R package;  uses Strava API ; uses rnoaa, shiny, and more
Why: transform, track, and analyze running data from multiple sources to add weather, weight, plots

Past Projects