Inpatient Expectations (still editing)

By Brandon Rose, MD, MPH

Clinical inpatient expectations vary based on clinical setting, specialty, attending, and context. This document outlines the expectations for each member of the inpatient hospital team. It is important for all team members to be aware of their roles and responsibilities in order to provide the best possible care for patients. 

Expectations by RIME Mneumonic

Reporter (Interns > Medical Students)

Interpreter (Interns/Sub-Interns > Medical Students)

Manager (Attending and Senior Resident > Interns/Sub-Interns)

Educator (Attending > Senior Resident)

Expectations by Role

Quick note on staff vs non-staff: attendings, residents, nurses, and pharmacists are employees of the hospital. They are paid to perform their responsibilities and are expected to do perform their job functions while learning and improving. All other students and observers are primarily here to learn. They can assist the team in patient care with progressively increasing supervised responsibilities, but they are ultimately being evaluated on their progress as learners.

All Team Members

Attending (RIME)

Senior Resident (RIME)

Intern (RIME)

Sub-Intern/Observer (RIME)

The sub-intern or observer is a medical student who is rotating through the inpatient hospital service and aiming to function at or above the level of an intern but with direct oversight from the senior resident

Medical Student (RIME)




Believe it or not the patient is a member of the team! For patients with capacity, all medical decisions should be made in collaboration with patient. In addition to having an attending, senior resident, and nurse, every patient should be assigned an intern or sub-intern, and a medical student (if available)